Joseph au Cambodge

Les merveilleuses aventures de votre serviteur au pays des Khmers

13 February 2006

Now your turn to work a little

Dear All,

I'm looking for a good project management software to which everyone in the team can connect to view and update common documents, view and update contacts, tasks, etc.

The software should manage documents and their versions well, especially have a flexible access policy to the documents.

Here are the free products I found so far and I would be considering to choose between.


PHProjekt est une application modulaire permettant de gérer un groupe d'activités et de partager des informations et documents. Modules : calendrier, gestion de projet, gestionnaire de fichiers, contacts, client mail... Disponible dans 25 langues (dont le français). En démo

Moregroupware par Team Moregroupware

Moregroupware est un logiciel de travail collaboratif. Il peut se connecter à différents types de base de données (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, ...), chaque module( news, webmail, calendrier, taches, partenariat, ...) est entièrement indépendant. Il supporte plusieurs langues (dont le francais). En démo sur : test/invite admin/demo

GTaches par Eulert , Riboux , Weiss

Gestion des tâches est une application permettant de gérer les tâches d'un service. Il comprend également un diagramme de Gantt.






Any advice welcome!

Many thanks in advance.



At 14 February, 2006 16:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your post is in english while software descriptions are in french. I suppose it would be better to answer in english... (so that all your readers can understand).

I must admit I'm not fond of "all in one" groupware softwares. They often do many things, but none very well. Maybe I didn't test enough solutions. At work (the one you left more than one year ago), we are currently testing DotProject to manage tasks, thus generating team member calendars. After two weeks, we've decided to continue searching. Indeed DotProject does not manage very well tasks and calendar is not what our administrative chief was expecting.

My opinion is that you must define your needs, and then use the suited tool for each need. Here follows the choices I made for my use:

- task manager: Mantis

- document manager: Dokuwiki (it's not really a document manager but a documentation manager based on wiki concept)

Sorry not to answer the way you wanted :-/ Hope it helps.


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