Joseph au Cambodge

Les merveilleuses aventures de votre serviteur au pays des Khmers

28 February 2006

The streets are flooded!

Around 6:30 pm this evening, it started raining. Normally, the rainy season is over and the next one should arrive only in early June, but "there are no seasons anymore".

So now there are 15 cm of water in the streets. How am I going to get home is a good question. Especially since I had the bright idea of breaking my glasses this afternoon, and my spare pair is at home.

Lida asks me how one translates "Après la pluie, le beau temps" in English... "Behind every cloud, there is a silver lining." Am I not right?


At 02 March, 2006 01:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for good old rubber boots?
As for the translation, my dictionnary tells me: "the sun is shining again after le rain" or on another level "everything's fine again".

At 02 March, 2006 09:07, Blogger Joseph said...

The Larousse Chambers supports me on the translation, but I actually think it's a good translation only when the proverb is used as such, in a figurative sense, whereas it is more often used as a very prosaic expression, to point out that the rain has ceased. In the latter case, it shouldn't be translated as a proverb but the way you suggest: "The sun is shining again after the rain" is perfect.

après la pluie, le beau temps (proverbe) : every cloud has a silver lining (proverbe)

petite pluie abat grand vent (proverbe) : a soft answer turneth away wrath (proverbe)

(© Larousse 2004)

Keep walking! (© Johnnie Walker)

At 03 March, 2006 18:39, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a true blue Aussie translation...

"After the rain, the sun always shines"

It's definitely a figurative statement, about good things happening in life despite the bad things along the's rarely a meteorological speculation about the weather or true rain cessation. (what does Larousse Chambers say 'prosaic' means anyway?)

Joseph, je suis vachement contente de voir que tu existes encore... je n'etais pas du tout sure qu'est-ce que tu faisais et ou tu te trouvais...(c'est la premiere fois que je regarde ce site web)

Alors, comment ca va?
(desolee, c'est trop long)


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