Joseph au Cambodge

Les merveilleuses aventures de votre serviteur au pays des Khmers

22 March 2006

Hanuman Center: pictures

Dear All,

Same principle with the Hanuman Center as with the Stade Olympique: the photos, all the photos, only the photos. Welcome in!


The façade.

The front and the left-hand side of the building.

The ground floor.

The staircase leading to the first floor.

The public space for viewing the archives, on the first floor.

The central patio as seen on the first floor and the second floor.

Say goodbye!


At 24 March, 2006 05:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the pictures but what about "architecture pictures should first of all show the monument, not show the photographer".... ??? Anyway I can sense your "typical" composition, which I like!

Saknar dina goda råd i fråga om foto!

At 26 March, 2006 19:14, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Joe!

J'aime bien cette photo, elle est sympa et surtout bien prise.
C'est un de tes nouveau pote ;) ?

At 27 March, 2006 08:21, Blogger Joseph said...

Dear Swedish-speaking anonymous commenter,

Who said "architecture pictures should first of all show the monument, not show the photographer"? Did I? It is indeed my principle with these pictures. Can you see me in them? I don't think they are particularly elaborate. I tried to make them as simple as possible while showing the beauty of the building, the geometry and effects of light, making people eager to come and visit it!

Also many people have worked on the architectural project and saw little of the realization as they are now abroad, so they deserve to know the effect of their design!

Pour le commentateur ou la commentatrice anonyme francophone, merci pour le compliment. Il s'agit d'un ouvrier qui s'apprêtait à faire sa sieste par terre et qui m'a fait l'honneur d'un sourire au passage !

En fait, l'idée était de suggérer la fraîcheur qui règne dans le bâtiment par opposition à l'extérieur brûlant, mais je sais que je n'ai pas réussi avec cette seule photo. Il aurait fallu prendre le temps de faire plusieurs photos qui, peut-être, ensemble, auraient eu un sens.

Thank you to both for your commenting which is welcome.



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